Kurt Franck, vice president of newspaper operations for Block Communications Inc., dies at age 67


Kurt G. Franck was remembered Saturday, March 16, as a te­na­cious news­man, a sound-minded busi­ness­man, a tough-but-fair leader with a gen­tle­manly de­meanor and a prin­ci­pled ad­vo­cate for jour­nal­ism.

Mr. Franck, vice pres­i­dent of news­pa­per op­er­a­tions for Block Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Inc., the com­pany that owns the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and its sister newspaper, The Blade of Toledo, Ohio, died Friday, March 15, at Hospice of North­west Ohio in Per­rys­burg, Ohio, fol­low­ing a two-year battle with an ag­gres­sive form of kid­ney can­cer. He was 67.

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