By: E&P Staff The 2009 Berryman Award for Editorial Cartooning has been awarded to The Denver Post's Mike Keefe, who has been with the paper since 1975.
One of Keefe?s entries makes light of the current health care debate by depicting a family driving on a bumpy, rocky road. When the wife asks ?WHY AREN?T YOU USING THE HIGHWAY?? her husband replies ?I DON?T BELIEVE IN PUBLIC OPTIONS!?
Keefe's work is syndicated by the Cagle Cartoons syndicate.
Politico?s Matt Wuerker and Ann Telnaes received Honorary Mentions for what the judges praised as ?innovative use of animation in their work, which is expected to be the wave of the future.?
A Certificate of Merit will be awarded to former Memphis, Tenn., Commercial-Appeal editorial cartoonist Bill Day, who is now syndicated by United Feature Syndicate, for his series of cartoons highlighting child abuse.
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