NAA Petitions Supreme Court on Ownership Rules

By: E&P Staff The Newspaper Association of America today asked the U.S. Supreme Court to review a federal appeals court's decision to remand regulations on cross-media ownership. Belo, Gannett, and Morris Communications were also listed on the petition.

"The [Federal Communication Commission] rule changes on newspaper-broadcast cross-ownership were based on solid evidence that repealing the outdated rules will greatly serve the public interest in a way that is consistent with the commission's competition, localism, and diversity goals," said John Sturm, president and CEO of the NAA, in a statement. "Whether they did it 30 years ago or not, a total ban on cross-ownership does not make sense in this highly diverse media world of 2005."

Last summer, the appeals court in Philadelphia agreed with the FCC that media ownership rules were archaic. However, the Court struck down the new regulations brought forth by the FCC and told the arm to rework them.

Late last week, the FCC decided not to petition the Supreme Court.

Tribune and Media General filed separate petitions.


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