'NYT' Admits Photo Was Altered

By: E&P Staff Growing concern about altered pictures in newspapers drew fresh attention today with The New York Times, in an editors' note, revealing that this had occurred two days ago in the paper.

The note reads in full:

"A picture on the front page of The Metro Section on Tuesday with an article about flooding caused by the recent northeaster showed an antiques shop in Ridgefield, Conn., being washed away. The wood siding at the far left of the building was out of alignment because the picture was retouched by a Times staff member who took the picture, but who is not a staff photographer. He altered it because a flash created a white spot on the picture when he shot it through the window of a train. Also, the retouching tool left a round circle on the building?s window at right.

"Times policy forbids the manipulation of any photograph. Had editors been aware of the manipulation and seen the original picture, they would have either published the picture with the blemish or not used it."


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