Poll by 2 Florida Papers Finds Most Want Feds to Stay Out of Schiavo Case

By: (AP) A poll conducted for two Florida newspapers shows nearly two out of three Floridians say Congress and President Bush should have stayed out of the battle over Terri Schiavo's fate.

The poll shows approximately 63% of likely voters in Florida disapproved of the intervention last week by Congress and the president.

The poll was done this week by Maryland-based Research 2000. It was commissioned by the South Florida Sun-Sentinel and the Florida Times-Union.

The poll surveyed 600 likely voters by phone in Florida. The margin of error is plus or minus four percentage points. Among Republicans polled, 56% say they disapproved of the intervention while 41% approved. Among Democrats and independents, 67% and 68% disapproved respectively.

Sixty-two percent questioned Congress and the president's motives.


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