By: E&P Staff In the coming edition of TIME magazine, out Friday, Sen. Barack Obama tells Karen Tumulty, ?One thing I did say to people was that I wasn?t going to make an environmental speech in California and then make a different speech in Detroit ? I?m not interested in engaging in a bunch of Sister Souljah moments just for the sake of it ? If I do that, it?s not for effect but because it?s what I really believe.?
Tumulty says that, indeed, Obama has bveen delivering speeches with "conspicuous candor," but adds, ?Obama is betting that Democratic voters will decide winning isn?t enough. If he?s wrong, he?ll end up with his truth-telling predecessors, nursing a moral victory as someone else accepts the nomination.?
Another candidate for president, Republican congressman from Colorado Tom Tancredo, says, ?I have to do well enough in the first primary states to command the media attention that I would otherwise have to buy. That?s why we in the second tier are all fearful of these compressed primaries. We can?t afford to run in ten states at one time.?
Tancredo On immigration: ?I go to the swearing-in ceremonies for new American citizens. I know when I walk in, people go, ?what is Tancredo doing here?? But I speak to them, and I tell them two things: welcome to America, and thanks for doing it the right way.?
Elsewhere, George Clooney and Matt Damon explain why they are backing Obama.
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