Second School Paper Gets Burned on Ad for White Supremacists

By: E&P Staff A second high school newspaper has inadvertently published an advertisement promoting the Web site of a white supremacist group.

Carmel High School in suburban Indianapolis printed the ad in Friday?s edition of the paper. The ad listed a Web site for students to visit to get free music downloads, but the URL led to the home page of a white power hate group, Victory Forever.

The site offers anti-Semitic and homophobic information, writings of a former Ku Klux Klan leader and downloads of neo-Nazi novels and the infamous ?Turner Diaries,? and calls for the restoration of ?white heritage.?

The school warned parents via a mass voice mail on Friday, and principal John Williams told the local Indianapolis Fox affiliate that the school is consulting its attorney and considering legal action.

Similar ads have been appearing in school papers across the country, including Lowell High School in San Francisco last week.


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