By: E&P Staff
In today's links, Howard Kurtz looks at how news organizations are no longer as entranced with Sen. John McCain as they were seven years ago, Art Winslow laments the decline of newspapers' book review sections, and some analysis of the Hearst/MediaNews settlement in the Bay Area.***
Washington Post: Is the press' honeymoon with John McCain really over, asks Howard Kurtz.
Huffington Post: The ongoing collapse of book review sections at American newspapers, which has accelerated in recent months, is an intellectual brownout in progress that is beginning to look like a rolling blackout instead, writes Art Winslow.
San Francisco Bay Guardian: An analysis of the Hearst/MediaNews settlement by G.W. Schulz.
PBS Mediashift: "Frienemy" Google is not a threat (yet) to traditional newspaper ad sales, writes Mark Glaser.
Forbes: So, if anyone is going to save the newspaper industry, it isn't any of the moguls who think they can breathe life into a dying technology. It is more likely to be someone like Steve Jobs who can devise a really appealing way to make newspapers available digitally, writes David Evans.
Washington City Paper: The Washington Post uses old and new technologies to beat competitors to Blacksburg.
Boston Phoenix: Russel Pergament returns to Boston with another freebie daily.
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