By: E&P Staff
In today's links, Syd Schanberg says that Bob Woodward's review of George Tenet's memoir is really about Woodward himself, Clark Hoyt talks about his new job as New York Times public editor, and a look at the forthcoming Newseum in Washington.***
Post-Gazette of Pittsburgh: Newspapers juggle book review sections in a time of change.
Desert Sun of Palm Springs, Calif.: Newspaper subscriber allegedly threatens to bomb The Desert Sun over coupons.
New York Times: Why the Wall Street Journal's editors held news of Murdoch's bid for Dow Jones.
Women's Wear Daily: "I don't think anything in the paper is off-limits and I would explicitly include the opinion pages," says new New York Times public editor Clark Hoyt. "It wouldn't be appropriate to argue with editorial positions of the Times, but if opinion pieces are based on suppositions that are not factual, or if there are tonal issues, it's fair game."
Slate: The Murdoch Street Journal? Not for me thanks, writes Jack Shafer.
New York Times: Stark reminders of the hazards of newsgathering will be displayed at the new Newseum on Pennsylvania Avenue, scheduled to open on Oct. 15.
Forbes: Former Boston Globe features editor Lincoln Millstein suggested Monday that newspapers turn over all lifestyle and service-oriented features stories to readers and have them write the stories.
Schanberg Reports: Boob Woodward's book review of George Tenet's new memoir is as much about Woodward as about Tenet.
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