"Jet" is the "Woff-Reader" of the Harrison (AR) Daily Times


Jet has always been supportive of local newspapers! She loves to fetch the weekend delivery and bring it into the house for me. She loves to come ride with me on trips to some of the remote areas that we cover.

Occasionally, she gets to come to the office and takes care of any crumbs that might be under the desks. She will also let out a loud groan if I sit at the computer for too long, reminding me to get up, stretch my legs, and throw the ball. She is my "woof-reader" and takes her job seriously.

Jet has a talent for finding the person who needs a little love and giving them a paw-shake and kisses. This exceptional mutt of mine came to me when a stray dog crawled underneath the home of a friend and had five pups during a thunderstorm. Jet has been by my side and has made appearances in the paper to help announce upcoming spay/neuter and vaccination clinics. .

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